Ford Foundation Awards PGP Grant for Prison Education Programs


The Ford Foundation awarded the Petey Greene Program a $100,000 grant in support of our prison education programs.

PGP’s mission is to support the educational goals of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people through high-quality volunteer tutoring programs, while educating volunteers on the injustice manifest in our carceral system. Founded in 2008, PGP operates the largest multi-state volunteer tutoring program in jails and prisons, recruiting1,000 tutors annually through partnerships with 30 universities, tutoring 2,000 students in 50 correctional facilities and reentry programs.

In July 2020, PGP approved a new strategic plan, which enabled the organization to shift from only supplementing existing prison education programs, to also implementing and promoting new approaches to improving the quality of education for justice-impacted people, at the pre-collegiate level.