Module 1

The Carceral State & Educational Justice

Volunteers learn about the carceral state, the set of interlocking institutions, logics, and practices that produce mass incarceration and other forms of punitive control. This helps volunteers understand the broader contexts of the carceral state that produce the need for educational justice. Volunteers learn how the carceral state framework shapes our approach to educational justice and how they can participate in the larger movement to support freedom dreams of currently and formerly incarcerated people.



 Module 2

Education in Carceral & Reentry Spaces

Volunteers learn about the challenges faced by currently and formerly incarcerated people and how this might impact students’ pursuit of education during tutoring sessions. Volunteers discuss how to support currently and formerly incarcerated students during tutoring sessions and the role of education in carceral and reentry spaces.



Module 3

Tutoring Strategies & Practice

Volunteers learn about tutoring procedures, tools, and strategies to conduct high-quality tutoring sessions.



Module 4

Ethical Volunteerism & Intentional Engagement

Volunteers engage in discussion about how to be an ethical volunteer and how to conduct healthy, collaborative, and intentional tutoring sessions that apply trauma-informed practice.
